Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's Being Framed!

Yesterday I saw The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Go see it, you won't regret it. My friends Rob and Pete were discussing the allegories and allusions to Christianity and Christian mysticism in the story. They missed so many of them that it's not even funny. It really isn't! As for today...
Well, today was a day for sitting around, doing a couple of things that had to get done, and most of all, working on my newest project: converting an old travel alarm clock/calendar/calculator to a new housing. What new housing? A picture frame. To be precise, I'll be using the extremely postmodern-looking CLIPS frame from Ikea. I've still got more soldering to do, so it'll probably be done tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw the animated version of that chapter in the Chronicles of Naria as a kid and even I picked up on all the religious bullshit. Your pals need to open their eyes. ...or read the bible, whichever works best (use Sparknotes, it's easier and you pass all the bullshit time spent in the contradictions)